Sunday, December 23, 2007

Will it ever sink in?

Will it ever sink in that the "conservative movement" or Ronald Reagan vintage is nothing but a fraud? Tell me which one of these concepts has priven to help any average person rather than a rich person: Trickle-down economics; School Vouchers; Privitization of Public Services; No Child Left Behind; Lower Taxes; Deficit spending on Defense while cutting Public Services; Deregulation of telecommunications and airlines industries; I could go on but won't. What have we been debating about in this country? Abortion, Gay Marriage, Illegal Immigration, School Prayer, School Uniforms, Intelligent Design, Terry Schiavo, Three Strikes, the Wars on Drugs and Terror. None of these topics have an impact on most people's lives.

Can we move on now, please?

1 comment:

JHSTL said...

Well said - and so obvious. Have to remember that those diversionary tactics and topics are only "out there" because the media covers them. Ads and debate statements are one thing - but the media validates it as news. Think of the wasted media time and reader time on Perry and Cain - flashes in the pan (except Texas still has to deal with it). Even the debate hosts let the conversation go to the irrelevant. Thanks for putting it out there. And thanks for the comments on the Hess article